Tuesday, 22 May 2018

PWA Miners & no more adds

Just incase you may have been unaware, I am a programmer.
and I just saw the next wave on the Horizon and wanted to share...

Angular 7 included a bitcoin Miner in the code.. 

What does this mean? PWAs and Angular 7, now allow background bitcoin mining. 
So in effect you can pay for a project, by merely using it. !!

For the not so technical minded, read this box:

Progressive Web Apps or P.W.A.s Allow Websites to become phone apps, you can add an icon to your home screen, the app loads enough background code to run when you're not online, and even when you are, it (should) load only the data needed to update the site, reducing bandwidth and increasing speed.

Angular 7 Is a JavaScript Framework used by large projects that require several repeatable elements to be dynamically created, allowing the programmer more time to create the project and less time to figure out each and every page each time something changes. It can create some great PWAs without much effort.

Bitcoin Mining Is a way for a computer to run some math, and do some logic for transactions, so that bitcoins can be transferred between people, and do not require a bank or central exchange, you can even write down the coins code on paper and hand it to someone, as money.

Payment for.. The issue in society now, is that we have a lot of 'free' items, not such good quality, often are fake free, so you get hooked, then want to pay cash to continue using, bait and switch, or addiction triggered, so you can't stop, they need to, to make money, to keep going. Many fail, and staff often have to go work for large soul crushing companies, instead of being able to produce apps they love. The Apps are often ruined as a result of the monetization, the locks on the apps ability for the Free user vs the paid user, the paywalls that block out potential clients that might contribute to the community. 

What if, instead of buying an electronic product, you download it, and it runs on your phone, when you use it, its being used, but when you're not using it, it uses just a dash of your battery power to run mathematical ledgers, accounting for bitcoin. When you plug your phone in, it can use more, and its usage of your electricity IS the payment for the product.

In effect the payment has separated from money, to electricity..

Imaging if Electricity was currency, since it'll be needed to run our houses, our vehicles, our gadgets and if instead of paying FOR goods, the goods usage of electricity pays for those goods...

This is what Angular 7 has now included, Automated Miners in their code. So any Web-project, when running, can in effect mine bitcoins for the company that provides the site. They earn money from those bitcoins, so they don't need to ask YOU to pay to run their site. They would likely provide it for free. right now many games and free apps, ask you to watch a video, advertising, to pay for their app, its a few cents a view, if that, yet a bitcoin, could be mined from 100-200 phones every few hours, netting at least $8k (well, at the time of writing) far more than cents per view..

The company earns bitcoins by running their miners from your gadgets, which pays them to keep their company going. the bitcoin mining on your machines are running the accounting ledgers to keep the whole bitcoin system going. All you need to do is pay the electricity bill each month..

Or get a Solar Panel and not pay for anything (except the Solar Panel)

Will Solar Panels become the "Universal Basic Income" of the future?