I blame the parents and the eduction system. They give prizes to kids for participation. so Now they all think they are relevant to everything in life.
Why you don't actually matter 90% of the time, so shut up.
It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.
-Mark Twain
Recently I've seen this as a reply on some forums and chat rooms, facebook posts and tweets; It irks me, to no end.
I Ask the question: Who here is a Doctor? and get answers, I am not. Sorry, I'm not a doctor. Too bad I'm not a doctor.
When I was a lad, if your teacher asked such a question and students replies in the negative, you would get berated by the teacher for wasting her time. "I didn't ask who WASN'T a Doctor, I asked Who WAS - 50 lines, I must not waste the teachers time."
These days, the teachers hand out prizes to kids for 'being at school' or 'running the race' so that every kids grows up with some sense of worth, useless worth.
You are worth nothing, you don't matter to 99.99999% of the planet, the faster you get used to the fact that your opinion, your ideas, your world is a small little bubble of your own perception, that can be shattered into a billion pieces with .. no wait.. thats the problem.. no matter what life throws at these people, their perception will rarely be shattered.. sure maybe a crack might appear in yours after you read this, and you might see the reality beyond, but 99.9999% of the planet, after reading this, would say "You need therapy" LOL.. because what I write here? now? this is my little bubble.. and it doesn't matter back.
Changing someones mind is a very hard thing to do. You either agree before you read, and this blog will only reinforce your opinion or you don't and you'll be offended (or just ignore) everything I'm writing.
So next time you see a question: Hey are you relevant to this question? ask yourself before you respond. If I'm not relevant, Why should I say anything at all? I'm just wasting time writing, so that they waste time reading and I show the world I'm an irrelevant useless dope.